Delmarva Veteran Builders launch new tagline and ad campaign.

Salisbury, MD. – September 21, 2020 – Delmarva Veteran Builders (DVB), the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, announces its new tagline, Grit Leads to Greatness

A year ago, DVB embarked on a mission: “How do we celebrate and ignite the veteran spirit that embodies our company?” 

Searching for inspiration, DVB turned to the story of America’s “Greatest Generation” and their remarkable impact on human history. To get through the war, average men and women were asked to perform incredible tasks and sacrifice for the greater good. DVB identified qualities from that generation everyone should strive for; resilience, leadership, work ethic, tenacity, integrity and a service mindset. One key ingredient was a driving force for victory and continues to be the number one guarantor of a successful well-lived life: Grit.

What does it mean to have grit? Grit is defined as: firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger. The same Grit of the greatest generation flows through the veins of our veterans and accurately describes the ideals of the DVB Spirit.

The construction industry continues to prove itself as one of most challenging industries today. Every day is a battle- a battle for creation. It's the blood, sweat and tears that construct the things Americans see every day. Instead of seeing obstacles as a deterrent, DVB uses it to sharpen their skills and character. Whether military or civilian, employees choose to step up and ban together to accomplish something greater than themselves. 

The lessons learned from history and the construction industry are tangible- all people can contribute, roll up their sleeves, work hard and collectively achieve great things.

DVB is making a statement to the world.  This is their promise to its employees, the building industry and the commUNITY to continue to raise the standard of service and commitment to their core values.  DVB will be steadfast in uncertain times, grounded in their resolve, and dedicated to the greater good.

As DVB unrolls its new ad campaign, the landscape of the community will start to become canvases of art, promoting the can-do spirit of DVB Employees through fence panels, magazine ads and pole banners. As they highlight their greatest asset, their people- they hope the campaign message can strike a chord after the very challenging year the whole world has faced. Regardless of military affiliation, economic status, race, gender or occupation- everyone has the ability to become greater through practicing grit. This campaign is created in honor of veterans and all the inspirational people throughout history that have made and continue to have the courage to overcome.

A year later, what was once a quest for a tagline has now turned into DVB's new battle cry:

Grit Leads To Greatness. 

Read more about campaign and view the artwork here: or read more about the creative development from our designer Jenny here

Jenny Kerr Schroen